Regina Duke "She needed a Hero… So that’s what she became".

Regina Duke wearing Honey Ryder Bracelet, Earrings, and a Bespoke Aguila .357 Ring in Diamonds. 

How did you meet our Bulletgirl Jewelry designer Jessica?

Jessica and I first met in high school and we’ve been close friends ever since. Jessica has always had such passion for making women feel strong and beautiful, and Bulletgirl was the manifestation of that.

 How has the jewelry evolved since you first bought from Bulletgirl?

When BulletGirl was newly born, Jessica would make pieces here and there and would give them to our friends and family. After that point, other women would randomly stop me, wanting to know who was behind the BulletGirl we know today. She makes spectacular jewelry - I love the rings, earrings, tassel jewelry, and colored stones. All of them have the right amount of flash and sophistication.

Jessica’s described you as one of her most loyal customers - what makes you love Bulletgirl?

I really connect with the vision behind Bulletgirl. Jessica pours so much passion into the jewelry and whenever I wear Bulletgirl, I feel connected to that energy. 

At Bulletgirl, we don’t get political - we’re not pro or anti gun. What are your thoughts on the jewelry and what it means to you?

You know, in all of my years wearing Bulletgirl Jewelry I’ve never heard of one person assuming that it’s a political statement one way or another. It’s a great story… Jess’s grandfather had a bullet factory in Mexico City and Jess creatively thought about what she could do to use the bullets in an entirely new way. I never saw the bullets as ammo… it’s more of a visible shield, an evil eye.

You were one of Jessica’s first models - Tell us about the shoot.

We shot at Café Annie in Houston. When we first walked inside, there was a display with all of BulletGirls beautiful jewelry. Jessica told us to pick the ones we felt most connected too and the shoot began...

Describe your style in three words:

Vintage, Bo-ho, and a touch of Rock & Roll

How do you feel when you wear Bulletgirl Jewelry?

The bullet has always been akin to war. Bulletgirl shifts that focus on the battles women face every day. Jessica's pieces symbolize courage, strength, and love. Whenever I wear Bulletgirl, I feel connected to that energy. From fighting lip cancer, or fighting for my son's life, there never was a time that she wasn't there to lean on. Being able to find your power is something we all deserve and that's the embodiment of Bulletgirl. Watching Bulletgirl come to life helped me find my voice again, and giving that gift to someone else in need means everything to me. My Son, Johnny, and I are writing a book that depicts a family's journey through addiction, hopefully giving insight to any of those who have lost their way.

What's your life motto?

"She needed a Hero... So that's what she became."
Regina Duke wearing Bulletgirl Aguila Pearl Choker